About us

There are so many companies supplying broadband to home and small business users, it can be difficult to decide which one to use. We can help you with the decision and in choosing what equipment to purchase.

We can do this for you, ensuring correct setup and security for your Internet connection.  If you have children, we take care of making your Internet connection safe.

Whether you are a small business or a home user, it is likely that you may wish to use more than one computer within your environment. We can help to setup a secure and efficient computer network.  Wireless networking is all the rage now, but there are serious and inherent security risks involved.  We minimise these risks by deploying the proper security.

Do you feel clueless about using a computer or the Internet?  We can help you with friendly tuition to enhance and improve your confidence, so you can make the most of all that the Internet can offer.
